Monday, March 7, 2011

Kitchen Sanitising

Wash all food preparation items thoroughly and immediately after use. Clean all surfaces and utensils with warm soapy water before using them to prepare another type of food. Remember that rinsing is not the same as cleaning, and only warm soapy water will kill germs and bacteria. Consider using a separate cutting board for raw meat to decrease the risk of food poisoning.

Use paper towels or disinfecting wipes whenever possible, and dispose of them afterward. Cloth towels used to wipe, clean or dry surfaces can simply spread bacteria around the kitchen when they are reused. When using cloth towels, make sure they are washed with soap and hot water between uses. After washing dishes, make sure any dish soap is completely rinsed away. The soap residue that is left behind can cause stomach sickness.

Clean out cupboards and appliances often. Bacteria can multiply in these areas quickly, especially in the refrigerator. Crumbs and food particles attract rodents and bugs, so clean all areas and frequently sweep and wash the kitchen

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